Give Thanks

cffblog6.jpgNovember 24, 2018 (Saturday)

I’m sharing a chorus with you that I used to sing with my fellow young people, 70 years ago, in our home church (Liberty Road Baptist of Houston) during the one year I was in church before going off to college. We sat in a circle, bowed our heads and closed our eyes, and someone started us off with a song, after which we would spontaneously sing a song (everyone joining in), quote a Scripture, or share brief thoughts about the Lord, or sing another gospel song.
The chorus goes like this: (click on words to hear melody) “Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul. Thank you, Lord, for making me whole. Thank you, Lord, for giving to me Thy great salvation so full and free.”
Today, these many years later, we have new songs that also give God the glory for saving us and helping us day after day. Click here for a blog with a beautiful Thanksgiving song (Repeated from Tuesday).