July 23, 2018 (Monday)
Harvey destroyed some structures and they are gone. The storm damaged others beyond repair, and so they have been demolished. Demolished buildings include the old First Baptist Church buildings downtown, the old H.E.B. building blocks away, and the county courthouse in between those I just named. There are many others. They are only memories now.
It does not take very long to demolish a damaged building. The companies assigned that task are experts and very efficient.
There you have it. It takes time and effort to build, but demolition is easier and takes less time. Life is like that. Friendships can take years to develop, but only minutes to destroy. Relationships can be built over time, but in a moment, careless words or thoughtless acts can damage them beyond repair.
Jesus taught us to build. (Quotes & paraphrases:) “Do unto others what you would have others do unto you.” “Be kind one to another.” “Set no limits on forgiveness of others.” “Let love motivate you.” “Do nothing that will intentionally hurt others.” “Never be self-centered but build up others.” As in construction of buildings, construction of relationships takes time.
A popular slogan of certain businesses is, “We’re here to help.” That’s our guiding principle as Christians. Jesus says to us, “As the Father has sent me, so send I you!”