
cffblog6.jpgJuly 20, 2018 (Friday)
This song was written by David Phelps and Gloria Gaither. Its presentation is unusual. because it is a musical conversation between Jesus and The Woman at the Well. It is worthy of becoming a part of an opera or operetta, perhaps even an oratorio. Yet it is a song that touches the heart deeply as David and his daughter, Maggie Beth, both do a superb and outstanding job of presenting the musical message about one of the most heart-rending events recorded in the Bible. A woman’s life was changed. She was never the same after that day. Such is the testimony of many people today, throughout the world.

Here are the words:

David Phelps and Gloria Gaither

As the desert sun burned hot upon my face
While drawing water in the middle of the day
Please give me a drink (That stranger’s speaking to me)
My child do you think you could spare
Me some water (He must want more than water)
But you have crossed the line between us, me and you
(She is afraid, she is so broken)
Why when you asked me for water like you do
(This is her chance, she’s ready now)
Oh but if you only knew (He speaks with so much heart and)
Who it is that speaks to you
You would ask me for water (I wanna know more of this water)
There is a living stream flowing from the deep,
(How can it be free and eternal)
endless and eternal
Drink from the only spring where you take a drink and never thirst again.
(Can it set me free)
Let it set you free.
So this water is a gift that you can give
(Please take it now it costs you nothing)
But if you only knew the life that I have lived
(I know the life that you have lived)
You can be different than before
(But then you took the shame, forgotten)
You can go and sin no more
(So this is how it feels to be forgiven)
My child, be forgiven.
There is a living stream flowing from the deep, endless and eternal
Drink from the only spring where you take a drink and never thirst again.
Let it set you free.
(Let it set you free)
My whole life has been in chains, a prisoner to this world
(My child, now go and tell)
Now at last this living water sets me free
(How at last this living water set you free)
There is a living stream flowing from the deep, endless and eternal
Drink from the only spring where you take a drink and never thirst again.
Let it set you free. (Let it set me free)
Let it set you free. (Let it set me free)