June 4, 2018 (Monday)
About 47 mlllion American households have cats as pets, and approximately 60 million families prefer dogs. Another 36 million are divided in preferences for fish, birds, small animals, reptiles, birds and horses.
Globally, 57 percent of consumers own pets (according to more than 27,000 online consumers surveyed in 22 countries). The most popular pet, worldwide, is the dog.
What do we call a cat lover? An ailurophile, aelurophile, felinophile, philofelist, philogalist, or a lover of cats. If you are like me, you never heard these words before today. No matter. If you don’t like cats, you did not read this far. If you are a cat lover, these new words don’t mean a thing. I mean, you just love your cat, that’s all.
Rule #1 for hugging your cat: make sure your cat wants to be hugged.
If your cat is the kind you can hug, today’s your day.
A veterinarian shares rules about hugging cats: click here.