May 1, 2018 (Tuesday)
Sixty-eight years ago, Dr. C. J. Humphrey, my Bible professor at Baylor, supplied the pulpit at First Baptist Church of Groesbeck, where I was Associate Pastor. My job was to drive Dr. Humphrey from Waco for the preaching engagement. Groesbeck is about 30 miles east of Waco, and the road, then and now, had lots of wildflowers on either side. As we admired the flowers, he smiled and chuckled, and I asked why. He continued to muffle his laughter as he said, “Only the Lord would think of putting so many different kinds of flowers together like this! It’s so beautiful!”
Texas Wildflowers
The song, “April Showers,” describes the May flowers that result from the showers, teaching us the lesson that “joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5). The rain gives way to the sunshine, and the clouds change from dark and threatening to fluffy and pleasant. No matter how heavily the rain may be beating down in your life today, hold on–the flowers will bloom. God will perform the miracle of Romans 8:28, working all things together for good to those who love Him and are dedicated to doing His will.
Every time we look at the flowers, let us think of God’s wisdom and grace.