Life After Easter

cffblog6.jpgApril 2, 2018 (Monday)
A few years ago, I took an interest in studying my family history, and learned quite a bit about my ancestors. One truth is self-evident: most of my relatives have died. I have a special kinsman that the Bible names as my “Elder Brother,” and that is Jesus Christ. He died, too, but He lives today! He rose from the dead, conquering sin and death. He is risen!
Many people sincerely ask today, “Did Christ rise from the dead?” A group of about 150 religious scholars and writers organized in 1985 into what they named, “The Jesus Seminar.” They concluded that there was no resurrection and no one other than Mary Magdalene visited the tomb. Moreover, they said, the lack of this belief should not affect our faith. The Apostle Paul looked at it differently, when he wrote, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins” (1 Corinthians 15:17 NIV). Ample proofs are given in the New Testament record, not the least of which was the startling change in all the Disciples, who were transformed from a dejected and depressed disorganized group into a dynamic, enthusiastic band of individuals who spent the rest of their lives declaring the power of their resurrected Lord.


Since He rose from the dead back then, He is still alive today. The emphasis of the Resurrection is that Christ lives today! He is at work in the hearts and lives of those who trust Him. He is at work in this generation. He can help you right now.
Does Christ live in you? Does He live in your attitudes? Your activities? Your daily deeds? Your business life? Your work life? Your church life? Your home life? Does He live in you? The only way the people of the world are going to see Christ is to see Him in you, His child.
Christ can make His home in your heart by faith. Please receive Him today.
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile–the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:9-13 NIV).

Reprinted from 2009, 2015, 2017 (Edited)

The Appearances of Jesus After the Resurrection

(Lines numbered according to A.T. Robertson’s Harmony of the Gospels)

After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3 NIV).

167. The burial of the body of Jesus in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea
after proof of His death Mat 27:57-60 Mar 15:42-46 Luk 23:50-54 Joh 19:31-42
168. The watch of the women by the tomb of Jesus Mat 27:61-66 Mar 15:47 Luk 23:55-56
169. The visit of the women to the tomb of Jesus Mat 28:1 Mar 16:1
170. The earthquake, the rolling away of the stone by an angel, and the fright of the Roman watchers Mat 28:2-4
171. The visit of the women to the tomb of Jesus about sunrise Sunday morning and the message of the angels about the empty tomb Mat 28:5-8 Mar 16:2-8 Luk 24:1-8 Joh 20:1
172. Mary Magdalene and the other women report to the apostles, and Peter and John visit the empty tomb Luk 24:9-12 Joh 20:2-10
173. The appearance of Jesus to Mary Magdalene and the message to the disciples
Mar 16:9-11 Joh 20:11-18
174. The appearance of Jesus to the other women Mat 28:9-10
175. Some of the guard report to the Jewish rulers Mat 28:11-15
176. The appearance of two disciples (Cleophas and another) on the way to
Emmaus Mar 16:12-13 Luk 24:13-32
177. The report of the two disciples and the news of the appearance to
Simon Peter Luk 24:33-35 1Co 15:5
178. The appearance to the astonished disciples (Thomas absent) with a
commission and their failure to convince Thomas Mar 16:14 Luk 24:36-43 Joh 20:19-25
178. The appearance to the astonished disciples (Thomas absent) with a commission and their failure to convince Thomas Mar 16:14 Luk 24:36-43 Joh 20:19-25
179. The appearance to the disciples the next Sunday night and the convincing of Thomas Joh 20:26-31 1Co 15:5
180. The appearance to the seven disciples beside the Sea of Galilee; The miraculous draught of fishes Joh 21:1-25
181. The appearance to about five hundred on an appointed mountain in Galilee, and a commission given Mat 28:16-20 Mar 16:15-18 1Co 15:6
182. The appearance to James the brother of Jesus 1Co 15:7
183. The appearance to the disciples with another commission Luk 24:44-49 Act 1:3-8
184. The last appearance and ascension Mar 16:19-20 Luk 24:50-53 Act 1:9-12