The Love Chapter

1 Corinthians 13

March 9, 2008 (Sunday)
picture of CharlesAnyone who has been a Christian for a while knows that “The Love Chapter” refers to 1 Corinthians 13. It is a beautiful masterpiece of literature, but, more importantly, offers a guide to daily living.
Recent decades have seen a revival of interest in “Spiritual Gifts,” as they are presented in the New Testament. It is in the midst of a discussion of the gifts of the Spirit, that Paul inserts this beautiful chapter about “a better way.” It’s about self-denying, self-giving love.
His first observation in the chapter is that Love enhances the gifts and makes them beneficial. The gifts he mentions are (1) Miraculous speaking in other languages, (2) Preaching, (3) Special knowledge, (4) Great faith, (5) Deeds of Mercy, and (6) Personal sacrifice. All, he said, are nothing without love.
Love makes people more like Jesus. It produces patience and kindness, and is happy about the blessings that come to others. It’s not boastful or proud, rude or self-seeking, and is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs. It makes us sad when evil prevails, but happy when truth is victorious. It helps us to get involved in helping others.
Love makes the “good” even better. It never runs out; God gives an endless supply. All the spiritual gifts have limitations and will someday be needed no longer, but love is eternal. As the final verse of this wonderful chapter says, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
Compare to the blog for 9-30-07