This I Know

cffblog6.jpgMarch 4, 2018 (Sunday)
Charles Austin Miles at­tende­d the Phil­a­del­phia Coll­ege of Phar­ma­cy and the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­van­ia. In 1892, he aban­don­ed his ca­reer as a phar­ma­cist and wrote his first Gos­pel song, “List ‘Tis Je­sus’ Voice” which was pub­lished by the Hall-Mack Com­pa­ny. He served as ed­i­tor and man­a­ger at the Hall-Mack pub­lish­ers for 37 years. In his own words: It is as a writ­er of gos­pel songs I am proud to be known, for in that way I may be of the most use to my Mas­ter, whom I serve will­ing­ly al­though not as ef­fi­cient­ly as is my de­sire. (source: He wrote, “In The Garden,” surely one of the most popular hymns ever written. Dearly loved from the day of its writing to this very day.

But This I Know
Words: Charles Austin Miles
Music: But This I Know | Clarence Kohlman

1. I do not know the depths of Jesus’ love,
That brought Him down to earth from heaven above,
Nor why He bore the cross up Calvary
And shed His precious blood so willlingly.
2. I do not know what pain He suffered there,
The burden of my sin and shame to bear.
It may be well to hide it all from me,
Lest my own heart should break in sympathy.
3. I do not know what I can do, or say,
My debt of gratitude to Him to pay;
But I at least may cry,”O Christ divine!
Had I a thousand lives they should be Thine.”
But this one thing I know: That when the crimson flow
Dropped to the earth below, it fell on me.
My eyes were opened wide, I saw Him crucified,
And knew for me He died on Calvary.

I could not find a recorded performance of this song, but some of you will remember how it goes. If you know a web site on which it is sung, please let me know.
Instead I am offering another song with the music, “When He Was On the Cross, I Was On His Mind.” The writers of this song received a letter from someone who was planning suicide when he heard it on the radio. The words of the song reached his heart and he pulled over to the side of the road to think about them. He changed his mind. The song saved his life.

What a thought: “When Jesus was on the cross, I was on His mind. Marvelous grace.”

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me (Galatians 2:20 NIV).”

Ronald Michael Payne, Ronnie Hinson

I’m not on an ego trip I’m nothing on my own
I made mistakes I often slip
Just common flesh and bones
But I’ll prove someday just why I say
I’m of a special kind
For when he was on the cross
I was on his mind.

The look of love was on his face
Thorns were on his head
The blood was on his scarlet robe
Stained a crimson red
Though his eyes were on the crowd that day
He looked ahead in time
For when he was on the cross
I was on his mind.

He knew me, yet he loved me
He whose glory makes the heavens shine
So unworthy of such mercy
Yet when he was on the cross
I was on his mind.

Yet when he was on the cross
I was on his mind.

CharlesPosted inUncategorized