Hold the Fort

cffblog6.jpgFebruary 24, 2018 (Saturday)
Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) was present at a meeting in Illinois in 1870, when he heard a Civil War veteran relate the experience that had involved a Union General in 1864. The troops were under attack and about to be defeated when a message came from the General, “Hold the Fort, for I am coming!” They held the fort. The army came. The Fort was saved.
When Bliss heard these words, he immediately made an application in his own mind about Christians being like an army bravely doing battle with evil, always thinking about the day when Jesus, their commander-in-chief will return. Thus, the hymn was born.
Bliss wrote many hymns. One of my favorites is “Whosoer Will May Come.” His life was cut short, however, by a tragedy at age 38, when he and his wife were passengers aboard a train that crashed. He found himself safe, but went back inside the train car to save his wife. They both perished.

Philip P. Bliss

1 Ho! my comrades, see the signal,
Waving in the sky!
Reinforcements now appearing,
Victory is nigh!
“Hold the fort, for I am coming,”
Jesus signals still,
Wave the answer back to Heaven,
“By Thy grace we will.”
2 See the mighty host advancing,
Satan leading on;
Mighty men around us falling,
Courage almost gone. [Refrain]
3 See the glorious banner waving,
Hear the bugle blow;
In our Leader’s Name we triumph
Over every foe. [Refrain]
4 Fierce and long the battle rages,
But our help is near;
Onward comes our great Commander,
Cheer, my comrades, cheer! [Refrain]

Funeral services for Billy Graham begin today with a private service for his family. Services throughout this week are outlined in an article on the web. Click here to read.
I wrote a blog about Billy Graham on January 19. You can see by clicking here.