Love Your Pet Day

cffblog6.jpgFebruary 20, 2018 (Tuesday)
Occasionally we hear of animal cruelty and it saddens us greatly. By and large, however, most people love their pets. The special day to love pets is wasted on the millions of people who need no reminder. Many–perhaps most–consider their pets to be members of the family.
About 60 mlllion American households have dogs as pets, and approximately 47 million families prefer cats. Another 36 million are divided in preferences for fish, birds, small animals, reptiles, birds and horses.
Globally, 57 percent of consumers own pets (according to more than 27,000 online consumers surveyed in 22 countries). The most popular pet, worldwide, is the dog.
The preceding 10 years in our country have seen expenses for pets grow from about $41,000,000 to about $70,000,000. The numbers represent more pets, and more being spent on each pet.
The great humanitarian, explorer, physician, philosopher and theologian, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, developed the idea of “Reverence for Life.” I think I have seen during my lifetime an increased appreciation for life, and growing numbers of efforts aimed at influencing people to respect all forms of living things. This idea has permeated the thinking of many people in our present era. I think it has influenced attitudes the world over.
If anyone reading this is cruel to animals, you are out of step with the times, and as “Maude” (Bea Arthur’s Seventies T.V. character) would say, “God will get you for that!”
So, folks, I know nobody needs to tell you, but on this special day, “Love your pets.”