Glow in the Dark

cffblog6.jpgDecember 15, 2017 (Friday)
Scientists in South Korea have cloned cats with a side effect: they glow in the dark when exposed to ultra violet light.
Without commenting on the ethics of such experiments, the idea of glowing in the dark is one with which you and I should be familiar. Jesus said, “You are the light of the world! Shine!”
He could have said, “Glow in the dark!”
Tierce Green, a music evangelist who served in Rockport some years ago, has a song entitled, “Glow in the Dark.” That’s the mission of every Christian out there in the world.
Jesus said, “No one lights a candle and then puts a bucket over it. No, he puts it on a pedestal so that it may shine for everyone and give light to everybody in the house.” (Paraphrased)
Someone asked, “Which is more important, the sun or the moon?” and got the answer, “The moon of course. It shines at night, when you need it!” Seems logical, but sometimes logic fails us. The fact is, the moon has no light of its own – it reflects the light of the sun.
Well, that’s the way it is with our light. “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine” doesn’t tell the whole story that our little light is really a reflector of the true Light, which is Christ. “This little light of mine” says it better, but “this little reflector of mine” tells the true story. It is reflecting the light of Christ that makes us the light of the world (Matthew 5:16).
A wonderful old song, “Jesus Revealed In Me,” by Gypsy Smith, a great evangelist who died in 1947 at 87 years of age, expresses the longings of our hearts:
Christ, The Transforming Light,
Touches this heart of mine,
Piercing the darkest night,
Making His glory shine.
Oh, to reflect His grace,(His grace)
Causing the world to see (to see)
Love that will glow,
till others shall know Jesus,
revealed in me.
Here, Lord, I bring my heart,
My love, my strength, my will,
Cleanse me in every part,
With all Thy Spirit fill.
Life is no longer mine,
I yield it all to Thee;
Fill me, that I may shine,
Until Thy face I see.
Triumphant peace is mine,
Now Jesus reigns with-in;
He giveth joy divine,
And vict’ry over sin.


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