Black Friday

cffblog6.jpgNovember 24, 2017 Friday)
Today has been described as the biggest shopping day of the year. Previous years have upheld that declaration. From what I’ve been hearing lately, merchants are counting on this day to maintain its reputation of making the cash registers ring. It’s known as “Black Friday,” because the ledger ends the day in the black, not in the red.
Some shoppers will be waiting in line for the biggest discounts before 5:00 a.m., and others will find stores that open as early as 11:59 p.m. the night before. Or even days earlier ( growing trend). All will check the newspapers for the ads, coupons and circulars. And they will be there, you can count on it. And, would you believe, online stores celebrate Black Friday, too, and that trend is getting stronger.


The day after Thanksgiving is the starting gate for the big race to get to the other side of Christmas. Shopping is one lane for you in that big race. There are other lanes, and you’ll be expected to run in them as well. There’s the lane where all the parties and “get-togethers” are. There’s the lane for the special programs in the community, and the lane for the special activities at church. The lane for family gatherings is crowded, too. You’ll have to pay close attention to your calendar for what may be the busiest month of the year for you.
Somewhere in the midst of all this frantic rush, we need to find time to think about the basis of Christmas. What’s it about? Who’s it for? Am I really in tune with its true meaning?
Each day from “Black Friday” to “New Years Day” we need to find moments when we concentrate on the baby in the manger, the awe-struck shepherds, the mighty angels, the humble mother and the obedient foster father, the powerful magi, the makeshift baby clothes, and the make-do baby bed in a stable. Why should we think about these? Because they are the people and things that have meaning only because of the great love of our God in sending His Son to become our Savior and Lord. Joy to the world! The Lord has come!

This blog republished from Nov 23, 2007