System Administrator Appreciation Day

cffblog6.jpgJuly 28, 2017 (Friday)
Today is “National System Administrator Appreciation Day.” If you are like me, you will have to look up the meaning of that. The meaning of “system administrator:” “a person who manages the operation of a computer system.” In most offices or businesses, I believe that “system administrator” is not a familiar term. Instead, the homespun designation is usually the “computer guy,” “computer gal,” or commonly, “IT person.” (“IT” means, “Information Technology.” It is the study or use of systems (especially computers and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending information.
We first entered the computer world at First Baptist Church, Rockport, in 1987, if my memory is accurate. We put a computer at each desk, and installed programs provided by the business from which we bought the machines. We all attended a class at the high school taught by Joe Howard Livingston to learn how to operate computers and use the programs. Neither the machines nor the programs came close to being equal in any way to those of today. But it gave us a start. The “system administrator” (words we never used or even heard of) was whoever seemed to have an idea about what to do next. As the years went by, and things became more complicated, the church hired Patty Albin as a secretary (now “office manager”) and she knew a lot about anything that had to do with computers. Without using the title, she became the “system administrator.” As a matter of fact, she is the person who makes possible the blogs that Dale Pogue and I write, as well as the church’s web site. She has many other responsibilities as well.
My “computer guy” in retirement is my son, Dwight, who is constantly getting me out of jams on these computers and is always attempting to teach me how to do a better job of understanding and operating them.
My daughter-in-law, Janet Fake, has worked for the gigantic and growing Pearland Independent School District for many years. Her title is “secretary,” but like secretaries in most offices, could well be called, “Administrative Assistant.” Her boss is Chief Technology Officer. Many people stop at her desk to get the answers they seek, because she is very knowledgeable about “IT.”
The suggestion of those taking the lead in the “National Day of Appreciation” for the “computer guys” or “IT persons” or, if you will, “System Administrators,” is to recognize them with cake and ice cream. A simple suggestion from a national movement.
