
cffblog6.jpgMay 26, 2017 Friday)
Today is Friday and it will be a short day for many people who will take off work a little early to take full advantage of the three-day weekend just ahead. We Americans love our holidays, and whenever possible, take little trips to make the days a bit more special. Memorial Day weekend is a solemn occasion and most of us will take time to attend memorial services or just find a place to stop and think about all those who have sacrificed themselves so that the rest of us can enjoy our freedoms.
Memorial Day kicks off the summer season and Labor Day brings it to a close. Those are not the official beginning and ending of the summer season, but they serve a practical purpose. What will you do with your summer this year?
What goes well with summer? I can think of several things. Ice cream, for one. The kind you make yourself. The motor-driven is easier to make than the hand-cranked kind, especially if you are the one who turns the crank. “Sno-cones” are always good. Hot dogs. Picnics at the beach or in the park. Nice early morning or late evening walks. How about going fishing? Or just boat riding? Lots of folks just go to the beach “because it’s there.” Or, you might get adventurous and brave the surf and sharks at Port A or Padre Island. Maybe it’s time to go see grandma or if you are grandma, go see the grandkids. If you have dollars to spare, you might enjoy a cruise. Destinations are many, and I hear tell everyone always has a good time, along with lots to eat as you watch the entertainment. Ah, the good old summertime (an American Tin Pan Alley song first published in 1902 with music by George Evans and lyrics by Ren Shields).

Click here to hear Julien Neel sing a quartet with himself.
Have a good summer!