Words About Our Salvation: Repentance

May 9, 2022 (Monday)

Theme for the week: Words About Our Salvation

I follow a theme each week and write five blogs under that theme. Five theological words that seem to be most important when discussing the great salvation that is ours in Christ are:
1. Repentance
2 Faith
3. Regeneration
4. Grace
5. Justification

I shall write a blog each day, beginning today and concluding Friday.
The five words above will be the titles of each blog, Monday through Friday.

If I were to make each topic imperative, the list could read:

1. Change Your Mind!
2. Believe in Jesus Christ!
3. Be born again!
4. Accept God’s gift of salvation
5. Thank God for a fresh start!


Change Your Mind!

There are two Greek words for repentance in the New Testament. One of those words means “to feel regret.” That word is used to describe Judas Iscariot’s feelings about having betrayed Jesus. His regret led him to commit sucide. The other Greek word means “to change one’s mind.” That’s the word Peter used on the Day of Pentecost when the crowd asked him, “What shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent!” meaning Change your mind about Jesus. You crucified Him but now that you know He is the Messiah, change your mind! Be baptized and follow Him wherever He leads.

The repentance that people need in order to find forgiveness is a change of mind that results in change of behavior.

When people feel guilty about having done wrong, but have no plans to change behavior, their feelings of regret may resemble true repentance, but they are not genuine repentance. Real repentance means you change your mind about Jesus. You can no longer ignore Him or reject Him. Your change of mind will result in a change in your behavior. Let the world know you have changed by being baptized as a follower of Jesus. The world will then believe that you have actually become one who knows, loves and follows Jesus.

When a person repents for real he is acknowledging that Jesus is the Savior, worthy of praise and adoration, and the Son of God who invites you to follow Him wherever He leads you for the rest of your life. Repentance means you realize that you have sinned against the Lord and you no longer desire to practice that lifestyle. It means that you have made up your mind for sure that you will let others know that Jesus is your Savior and your Lord.

Author: Margaret W. Brown
Author: Howard L. Brown

Jesus calls me; I must follow,
Follow Him today.
When His tender voice is pleading,
How can I delay?

Follow, I will follow Thee, my Lord,
Follow every passing day.
My tomorrows are all known to Thee;
Thou wilt lead me all the way.

Jesus calls me; I must follow,
Follow every hour
Know the blessing of His presence,
Fullness of His power.

Jesus calls me; I must follow,
Follow Him alway.
When my Savior goes before me,
I can never stray.

Blogs This Week
1. Repentance – Change your mind!
2. Faith – Believe in Jesus Christ!
3. Regeneration – Be born again!
4. Grace – Accept God’s gift of salvation!
5. Justification – Thank God for a fresh start!
Matthew 22:35-40