Lost Highway

chasinblog2.jpgJanuary 5, 2017 (Thursday)
Our next blog about the Psalms on January 18 will feature Psalm 27. The Message (MSG) translation of the Bible renders Psalm 27:11 as, “Point me down your highway, Lord!” It is a prayer for direct guidance from the Lord in a believer’s life.
Translated into those words, Psalm 27:11 reminds me of a trip Ken Brown and I took in 1966. I drove my car to his house in San Antonio and then the two of us got into his Volkswagen “bug” and headed for the Southern Baptist Convention in St. Louis. We got on the right roads and made the trip to St. Louis just fine. Had a nice time at the convention, and, after it was over, headed back home. We decided we would just do the return trip non-stop, taking turns at the wheel. When we passed through Tulsa, Oklahoma, vw1966.jpgIt was almost midnight and we were hungry, so we stopped just out of town at a roadside cafe. We ate, and when we got back in the car to resume the trip, Ken lay down in the back seat and went to sleep while I drove. Well, I was not sure about where we were or which road we should have been on. I began to suspect I was on the wrong road when all lights disappeared and the road seemed to be more narrow. No other cars were on the road. The grass on the shoulders got taller and taller until I felt like I was driving through a corn field. Finally the pavement got rougher and I realized I was nearing a dead end. I woke up Ken and told him of our plight. He suggested that we turn around. We did, and eventually found the right road and made it home the next day.
When we get on the wrong road in life, the results can be dangerous or even catastrophic. The solution? Turn around (duh)! The Bible’s word for “turn around” is “repent!”
Now, here we are in 2017, getting started in a new year. Let’s stay on the right road.
Jesus said, “I am the way.” The word translated “way” can also be translated, “road.” So an acceptable translation could be, “I am the road.” Let’s stay on the road–the Jesus road. Let’s drive according to his rules and stay safe. Let’s not venture onto side roads and let’s make sure we watch the warning signs, being extra careful on the detours.
“Point me down your highway, Lord!” (Psalm 27:11 MSG).