April 27, 2022 (Wednesday)

The Believers who had prayed ten days and were suddenly gifted with the ability to speak other languages spoke about “The mighty works of God (Acts 2).” As far as I know, the Bible does not reveal the specific topics of discussion when the people spoke in other languages. But it seems to me that the one idea common to all of them was obedience to Jesus. He told them to go to Jerusalem. They went. He told them to pray. They prayed for ten days. Suddenly there was a loud sound of rushing wind and tongues of fire appeared above each of their heads. They heard themselves speaking in other languages. Outside their upper room was a city filled with people who spoke other languages. When they exited the building, they communicated with people who spoke other languages. So, it seems to me, they spoke of the one great thing that was happening: After dying for our sins, being buried, and rising from the dead, Jesus had ascended into Heaven. When these Believers opened their mouths to speak, what do you think would be on their minds? Why, Jesus, of course. We do not know precisely what they said, but we may rest assured they were talking about Jesus.
Jesus had commissioned His followers to “make disciples of all nations.” Here was the golden opportunity to obey Jesus, speaking to people from other nations right there in Jerusalem. In light of the fact that, after hearing Peter’s sermon, three thousand of them accepted Christ as Savior, it is highly likely that the Spirit-filled believers had been telling them about Jesus and all they had learned from Him about salvation. Obviously, in light of the response of people after hearing Peter’s sermon, the witnesses were “making disciples,” just as Jesus had requested in the Great Commission.
There are many needs all around us every day and everywhere. We will do what we can to help those who need our help. But are we sharing with others the good news about Jesus? Do we see others, thinking all the while, “What He’s done for others, He’ll do for you?” We should feel very good about sharing good news with others, and the best news that anyone has ever heard is “Jesus saves!”
We who know Christ are His servants. We know He wants us to be His witnesses. Let us live for Christ so that people know there is something about us that is different from the rest of the world. Let us tell the sweet story of God’s love for the world revealed when Jesus died on the Cross for our sins. All we need to tell is what Jesus means to us, personally. We do not have to be Bible scholars or enthusiastic personalities. We just need to tell our own story of how we got saved and how much we love Jesus.
Words, Wendell P Loveless
Tune, Will H Houghton
Source: Broadman 1940 Hymnal #323
Lead me to some soul today,
O teach me, Lord, just what to say;
Friends of mine are lost in sin,
And cannot find their way.
Few there are who seem to care,
And few there are who pray;
Melt my heart, and fill my life,
Give me one soul today.

The theme of this week’s blogs is “Birth of the Church.” It began when 120 followers of Jesus fervently prayed. Six blogs dedicated to this theme are:
1. Introduction (April 23-24 – Weekend)
2. Believers Prayed. (April 25 – Monday)
3. Believers were Spirit-filled. (April 26 – Tuesday)
4. Believers shared the gospel. (April 27 – Wednesday)
5. Peter preached about Jesus. (April 28 – Thursday)
6. Thousands believed and were baptized. (April 29 – Friday)