November 29, 2016 (Tuesday)
Stephen Hawking says the earth may have only 1,000 years left until its end. Three major reasons prompt him to make this prediction: 1. Nuclear terrorism, 2. Climate change, and 3. Artificial Intelligence. He suggests that mankind intensify its efforts to colonize another planet so that survivors may settle there.
This is not very cheerful news for this season of the year, is it?
Personally, I grew weary a long time ago of those who set dates for the end of the world. Time and time again, groups have gathered together to welcome the end of the world. Each time they have been disappointed and finally have returned to their homes and jobs. (Tragically, except those who decided to end it all).
Does the Bible predict the end of the world? Yes, it does, and along with it a judgment day. But it definitely does not give us a date for all this to happen. Jesus said it will be like a “thief in the night,” meaning it will be unexpected. The emphasis He placed upon the end times is our spiritual preparation. He urged us to be “found faithful” whenever end-time events start happening.
Bible scholars, evangelists, cultists, cartoonists, comedians, politicians, scientists, philosophers, and who knows who, all talk about “the end of the world.” Dr. Hawking is not the first.
Meanwhile, you and I should continue to live responsibly and set no dates.

Tomorrow’s blog will be about the 23rd Psalm–a much more pleasant subject. You know–that’s the one that says, “I will fear no evil..”