We Are Blessed by God’s Love

April 8, 2022 (Friday)

Pre-Easter Theme: What Jesus Taught Us

Theme for this week: God Loves the World Through Us

This blog brings to an end the series on “What Jesus Taught Us,” which ran for four weeks as we prepared for Holy Week, also known as Passion Week. It also has other designations. The blog for tomorrow (Saturday) will give a preview of the days of Holy Week, which begins on April 10, Palm Sunday.

In trying to write blogs about the teachings of Jesus, I found that it became a series of blogs about Love, which should not surprise us because the reason Jesus came is that God’s love for us brought Him to us.

We are blessed by God’s love, because His Love shapes us as individuals and as churches. The Live Oak trees of our area have been shaped by the winds coming ashore from the Gulf of Mexico. The First Baptist Church of Rockport, Texas has adopted that phenomenon as the basis for its motto for worship, ministry, witness, nurture and fellowship: “Shaped by His Love.” God has filled the church with love. All of us have been blessed by love. The members desire to be a blessing to the world. As Jesus put it to his first followers, “You shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth.” I am thankful for the leadership of this church, especially for our pastor, Dr. Scott Jones, who loves us and loves the Lord.

Doris Akers, author of Sweet Sweet Spirit: Additional verses

Doris Akers, author – Entire song

Read about Doris Akers (May 21, 1923 – July 26, 1995)