What I Don’t Like

chasinblog2.jpgOctober 12, 2016 (Wednesday)
When my family and I went to the Baptist Encampment at Glorieta, New Mexico, I was the only one in the family that bragged on the food. I liked it. My enjoyment of people and things that others dislike is considered a shortcoming by some of my family and friends.
But I don’t like everything. Here are a few things I don’t like:
I don’t like books, stories and movies that portray children as killers. I never watch one of those movies all the way through. I’ll go further than dislike — I hate such movies. I consider them an assault on the family, childhood and everything worthwhile in life.
And I don’t like dolls that come alive and kill people. In that category are the ventriloquist’s puppets. When they join the ranks of crime in a movie, I hate that, too. They started out in the entertainment industry as comedians. I like them better that way.
I also have a strong distaste for clowns that have become horrible homicidal maniacs. The horror genre has captured the clown identity and turned it into something that scares people, and especially kids. And I don’t like that. I hate that. I’ve known some clowns personally, and I know that they became clowns to brighten up the lives of people and make them happy.


Somewhere along the way our culture has forsaken many of the virtues that were at one time the staples of our society. We use coarse language, we lack courtesy, we are sometimes shamelessly impolite, and little by little we are destroying our consciences.
Yes, there are some things I don’t like. But I try to like everyone and I try to see things from the point of view of others. If that’s a weakness, then color me “guilty,” because I believe it’s the way the Lord wants us to live.