Now Is The Time

chasinblog2.jpgOctober 7, 2016 (Friday)
“The Good Old Days” is an old expression. The past is generally glorified out of proportion. We should be concerned about “right now.”
Many stories, novels, movies, etc. have been created that describe time travel. Virtually all of them describe a situation in which people go back in time and try to make things better, but in the process actually make things worse. I think the writers are right; if we could go back in time, we would not be able to correct our mistakes.
What we need to do is to look life straight in the eye and persist in our efforts to accomplish whatever we may have started. The painter who is disappointed in what he has put on canvas does not quit painting because he has created something he does not like. He may be disappointed, but he does not give up. He starts over. He tries again. He makes a new effort–a better one.


Alcoholic Anonymous has success in helping people overcome alcoholism, and one of the principles they follow is taking life one day at a time. “Just for today” becomes the motto.
God wants us to work, and do our best, today. As individuals. As churches.
Let us be realistic about the past. It was good. But it was bad also. Like Dickens said of his day, “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” We fool ourselves as we idealize the past and create a history that never happened.
Accept this day. Make it a good one.
When Grandpa kept putting sugar in his coffee, the kid at the table said, “Grandpa, you need to stir up the sugar you already have.” Yep, that’s what he needed. Maybe that’s what we need to do, too.
God wants us to trust in Him. He has promised us victory in our lives.
Today is a new day. Let’s make it a good one.