September 22, 2016 (Thursday)
Have you ever talked with someone about accepting Christ as Savior?
The first chapter of John’s gospel gives us examples of people who were interested in their friends and relatives and told them about Jesus.
There was Andrew. As soon as he began following Jesus, he found his brother Simon (also known to us as Peter), and enthusiastically told him, “We have found the Messiah!” and he brought him to Jesus. We Christians love our family members. Do we love them enough to pray for their salvation and talk with them about accepting Christ into their hearts?
Then there was Philip, who found his friend, Nathaniel, and brought him to Jesus. Philip was a new believer, yet he was already leading people to Christ. He “hit the ground running” as he began serving Jesus, immediately bringing someone to Him. Philip, along with Andrew, show us through their example that we should be concerned about others and their relationship with God.
We may rest assured that all of Jesus’ disciples followed the examples of Andrew and Philip, becoming soul-winners. The greatest witness of all, however, was Jesus Himself. He led the way, showing us how to witness to people. He showed us that everyone we meet should be the object of our concern. He witnessed to Samaritans, Syro-Phoenicians, harlots, tax collectors, fishermen, a dying thief, members of the Sanhedrin, and everyone else, leaving out no one. Everyone was the object of his compassion. He said He had come to seek and to save the lost, and made clear that we, too, are here for that purpose.
Jesus saves all who call upon Him. He has invited everyone to be saved, and is trusting us to deliver his invitation to others. He commissioned us to “go and tell.”
Johnny Melton’s blog about how the murder of a family member was ignored by authorities gives us an example of how we can place little value upon some people. Read his blog here (“My Uncle Dick…September 19, 2016). Jesus urges us who know Him to care much about others. Every life matters to the Lord.