Do You Know My Jesus?

chasinblog2.jpgSeptember 10, 2016 (Saturday)
I don’t remember where or when, but Troy and Ruth Conner sang this song, “Do You Know My Jesus?” as a duet when they were very young. I loved it then. I would love to hear them sing it again. In the meantime, I’ve attached a link to You Tube with Linda Davis as the singer. She is an East Texas girl, born in Carthage in 1962. After moving to Nashville at the age of 20, she became very successful. She does a great job with gospel songs. Linda and the White Sisters in the video are obviously singing from their hearts.

V. P. Ellis and W. F. Lakey

Have you a heart that’s weary
Tending a load of care
Are you a soul that’s seeking rest
From the burden you bear?
Do you know my Jesus
Do you know my friend
Have you heard he loves you
And that he will abide till the end?
Who knows your disappointments
Who hears each time you cry
Who understands your heartaches
Who drys the tears from your eyes.
Do you know my Jesus
Do you know my friend
Have you heard he loves you
And that he will abide till the end?
Have you heard he loves you
And that he will abide till the end?

LISTEN (Linda Davis)

Click here to read about the songwriters