We Want to See Jesus

chasinblog2.jpgAugust 25, 2016 (Thursday)
John 12:21 gives us much food for thought. It is a simple account of someone asking a disciple of Jesus to take them to Jesus. It reads, “They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request. “Sir,” they said, “we would like to see Jesus.” (NIV).
Some preachers have designed their pulpit with this message, from the King James Version of the Bible, engraved on the minister’s side, “Sir, we would see Jesus.” Every time the minister steps behind the pulpit and readies himself to deliver a message to his congregation, he must read it again: “Sir, we would see Jesus.” Quite a reminder.
Those who come to church to hear a sermon want to hear about Jesus Christ. They do not come to hear the minister’s political opinions. They come neither to be soothed to complacency or goaded to self-loathing. They come to hear the Word of God, and that means hearing about Jesus.


When the worshipers leave the church building and go back into their everyday world, they need to know that the people they encounter daily would like to see Jesus in them also. If we claim to be a Christian, then it should show in our daily living. Nothing turns people away from churches quite as much as hypocrites. We do not want to be guilty of that. We want to be sincere followers of Jesus, loving Him and living for Him daily.
“While passing through this world of sin, and others your life shall view, be clean and pure without, within. Let others see Jesus in you.” Then live for Christ both day and night, be faithful, be brave, be true, and lead the Lost to Life and Light, Let others see Jesus in you.” (B. B. McKinney).*
Sir, or Madam, we would see Jesus.

* Listen to John McCay sing this hymn
Listen to it being sung in Chinese.