A New Month

chasinblog2.jpgAugust 1, 2016 (Monday)
We are no longer in July; we are now in August. Today is Monday, August 1, 2016. We get the name, “August,” from Augustus Caesar, whose name is in the Bible. Remember “There went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed..” followed by the story of Mary and Joseph’s trip to Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus? Well, he named a month after himself.

Caesar Augustus – First Roman Emperor

Today, “Monday,” gets its name from an Old English combination that means “Day of the Moon.” The year is 2016, which marks the number of years since the life of Jesus Christ on earth. Modern calendars say this is 2016 CE (common era), removing the religious significance of the date.
If you write a check today, be sure to remember we are now in August, so you can write the right date on it.
August is a big birthday month for us. My grandchildren, Andy, Alex and Chloe, have August birthdays so close together that their parents got together and had one big party for all three each year when they were small. My lifelong friends, Troy and Ruth Conner, have birthdays this month. My oldest son, David, and our longtime secretary at church, Nell Reed, share the same August birthday. August was the month of our daughter Debbie’s birthday.
August always bring memories of Hurricane Celia, August 3, 1970. It took the entire roof off the old First Baptist Church sanctuary and part of the roof of our house. We were without power a long time, and that meant no water for those of us whose supply was a well. But time passed, repairs were made, there was no great loss of life, and everyone had much for which to be thankful.
I had a great grand uncle whose name was Augustus. For some reason that was a popular name in those days before 1900, and seems to be gaining popularity again. When I think of AUGUSTUS.PNGthe name, Augustus, however, the first person who comes to my mind is the fictional Augustus McCrea from Lonesome Dove. The name means, “great,” and was the name of three kings of Poland. President Garfield’s son was named, “Harry Augustus Garfield,” but he went by the name, “Hal.”
It’s August. I probably have told you much more than you wanted to know about it. If the Lord blesses you with 31 days this month, I hope every day is a happy one for you. May you live to enjoy many more Augusts in the future.