Special Days of March — March 1st

Theme for the week: Special Days of March

February 28, 2022 (Monday)

The delightful musical, “Pirates of Penzance,” builds a story around the birthday of a young orphan boy whose birthday was February 29. Since February 29 is on the calendar only on Leap Years, the young man has had only 5 birthdays, even though he is 21 years old. His birth records demanded he be released from the custody of the Pirates at the age of 21. He has grown up on the ship and is beloved by captain and crew, who insist he cannot leave them because he is only 5 years old. So the story develops and many songs are sung. If you have not seen the movie, then you have missed a very enjoyable experience.*

The year 2022 is not a Leap Year, so today, February 28, is the last day of February. Tomorrow is March 1. We are looking forward to the month of March. The blog theme for today (“Special Days of March”) revolves around a history of well known days. March 1 brings to mind an old saying: “March comes in like a lamb and goes out like a lion.” Also stated as, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” Of course, that’s just an adage and not a scientific fact, but it’s something I’ve heard all my life.

Having made the point that March weather can be calm or stormy, let us select March 1 as a special day in March when weather is on our minds.

Dates selected for blogs are March 1, March 4, March 6, March 15, and March 20 (in 2022). Time changes everything and some of the dates just mentioned may no longer be extraordinary. But they will be remembered by many of us. Here’s a preview of this week’s blogs: March 1 (Weather), March 4 (Presidential Inauguration), March 6 (Battle of the Alamo), March 15 (Income tax due), and March 19,20 or 21 (First day of spring).

The weather will remain a topic for conversation, but like “Old Man River,” it just keeps rolling along. Still, in response to (Philippians 4:6-7 TLB), we should not worry about anything, we should pray about everything, and we should thank the Lord for answered prayer. If we do this, our hearts will be flooded with peace.

When March 1 rolls around again (like, tomorrow), we will say or hear the old saying about a lion and a lamb.

* Click here to hear the Major General song and read the lyrics