June 25, 2016 (Saturday)
Fanny Crosby was visiting the Lake Chautauqua Institute, in Western New York State. In the latter 19th Century this was a place for Christian fellowship, great preaching, and singing of wonderful hymns. After a busy day at the camp meeting, she and John R. Sweeny were taking a rest on the front porch of the grand hotel when John asked an interesting question of Fanny. “Fanny,” he asked, “do you think we’ll recognize our friends in heaven?” She replied, “When I get to heaven, I’m going to look around and when I see the one who I think is my Savior, I’m going to walk up to Him and say, ‘May I see your hands?’ When I see the nail prints in the hands of my Savior, then I’ll know I’ve found my Jesus.” The next morning, bright and early, Fanny met John for breakfast and before they went their separate ways, she dictated the words of this great hymn. Sweeny then wrote the music. (Barry’s Blog).

LISTEN (Gaither)