Sermon 12/30/07

The All-Inclusive Gospel

of Charles

Here is the outline for today’s sermon at First Baptist Church,
Rockport, Texas.

THE ALL-INCLUSIVE GOSPEL                ACTS 1:1-2:47
INTRO: “Acts:” 1. Of The Apostles? 2. The Early
Church?  3. The Holy Spirit?  4. The Resurrrected
Christ?  All appropriate.  It is a book of action.
      1. Power needed
         (1) Power is weak when we don’t understand
             our mission (1:6)
             Ill – Restore the Kingdom at this time?
         (2) Power is weak when we waste time
             Ill – Why stand here gazing? (1:11)
         (3) Power is weak when we are self-sufficent
             a. Need to pray (1:4 wait, 1:14 prayer)
             b. Need to experience a power outside
      2. Power promised
         Acts 1:8 You will receive power when the
         Holy Spirit comes upon you
      3. Power sought
         “These all continued in prayer”

      1. Power manifested in the Proclamation
         (1) The powerful manifestations were
             necessary for that proclamation
             Ill – Wind sound, Tongues of fire,
                Speaking in other languages (1:1-11)
         (2) The powerful message was the gospel
             They talked about Jesus
             Rom 1:16 .. the gospel .. is the power..
      2. Christ the subject of the Proclamation<          Peter's sermon (2:22ff): Jesus the Messiah          (1) The miracles Christ performed (22          (2) The resurrection of Christ (23-32)          (3) The outpouring going on (33-36)       3. Purpose of Proclamation: to bring people to          repentance and faith.          2:37 - What shall we do?  2:38 - Repent!
      Acts 2:42-47
      1. Teaching (“Doctrine”) (42)
         “And they continued stedfastly in the
         apostles’ doctrine”
      2. Fellowship (42)
         “and fellowship, and in breaking of bread”
      3. Prayer (42)
         “and in prayers.”
      4. Signs and wonders (43)
         “And fear came upon every soul: and many
         wonders and signs were done by the apostles”
      6. Generosity (44-45)
         “And all that believed were together, and
         had all things common and sold their
         possessions and goods, and parted them to
         all [men], as every man had need.”
      7. Worship (46)
         “And they, continuing daily with one accord
         in the temple, and breaking bread from house
         to house, did eat their meat with gladness
         and singleness of heart,”
      8. Favor with the people (47)
         “Praising God, and having favour with all
         the people.”
      9. Converts (47)
         “And the Lord added to the church daily such
         as should be saved.”

CONCLUSION: What began in Jerusalem continued in
Judea, Samaria, and beyond.  It kept going until it
reached us.  Song: “I am so glad that Jesus loves
even me.”  Now the gospel has been entrusted to us.
We are to proclaim it in power and become a part of
God’s family, helping brothers and sisters to grow in