Friday the 13th

chasinblog2.jpgMay 13, 2016 (Friday)
Millions of Americans consider Friday the 13th to be an unlucky day. I will not discuss in this blog the reasons people feel that way, because the reasons are irrelevant. There is no such thing as a bad luck day and all so-called reasons can only be branded, “superstition.” Good and bad things happen to people every day of the year. Some of those good and bad things are obviously happening because of reasons that are plain. Many things happen on any given day; some are bad and some are good. But this is true of every one of the many days of any given year.
We believe in God for good reasons. We have faith. We have come to the conviction that God loves us. He is always with us as His children. We can trust Him. Superstition is the belief that blind fate moves in and around us, causing things to happen for mysterious reasons. Nonsense! Let’s get real. We either believe in God or we don’t. If we do, then we make no room for supernatural forces that the Bible either ignores or brands as evil.
Today is Friday the 13th. So what? Tomorrow will be Saturday the 14th. Why is that not also an unlucky day? There is absolutely no reason in this world for a Christian to believe that any day can be lucky or unlucky. The entire concept of “luck” is foreign to the Scriptures and is unworthy of our faith. Get real. We believe in God. We trust Him. We don’t believe in “luck.”
