Gets you there

In lavish style

of CharlesDelta Airlines has had many slogans through the years and during the 1980’s had one I really liked: “Delta gets you there.” A simple promise. There was a time when few people flew and safety was the primary concern. So, Delta’s slogan for a few years took us back to those simple times.
Many people today have only one thing in mind when they board an aircraft, to get to their destination as quickly as possible. If you have unlimited financial resources, however, you might try Emirates Airline. They offer First Class with unbelievable luxury. You can get your own individual cabin, complete with mini-bar, special cuisine, bed, 23 inch TV, telephone, and much more. It goes without saying, also, that Emirates Airline “gets you there.”
If you can afford the trip to Dubai, you will probably be able to pay the thousands of dollars per night in some of the most beautiful and lavish hotels in the world.
Next time you fill up your gas tank, just be thankful you have helped to rescue some executive from poverty and given him/her the chance to get a good night’s sleep, on the plane and in the hotel. Money is no object, thanks to people like you and me, who keep pumping gasoline. We are the ones who likely will never experience any of the amenities we’ve helped to provide for the privileged few.
Jesus said several things of great importance about money. He said money can become your master if you let it. He said accumulation of wealth should never be our first priority. He said we should always put Him first in our lives, trusting that He will supply our needs. He said giving, not taking, should characterize our lifestyle. He is the creator of worlds, but had only one possession when He lived among us, and that was his clothing. Jesus taught us to lay up treasure in Heaven, by meeting the needs of people who need our help. People who wear a cross need to be willing to bear a cross. (See this paragraph with Bible references)