Update and Trivia

chaschas.jpgMarch 4, 2016 Friday)
This date has been on my calendar for weeks, because today I will have a body scan. I had this done in August, and it revealed no problems. The object of the scan, I think, is to discover whether bone has been affected by malignancy. The results, I’m thinking, will determine what course treatments will take. We have already determined that hormonal injections will be the treatment; I suppose the results of this scan will help us decide such things as type, strength and frequency of the injections. I will see the doctor next Wednesday, March 9, to discuss the situation.
So far, since my diagnosis, I have felt fine and have no symptoms of illness. I am giving this update for those who want to know. As you can see, there is not much to tell.
Now, let’s talk about something else.
The last few weeks have brought remarkably beautiful weather. Sad to say, not everyone across the country has been as fortunate, and some have had disastrous weather. The global weather machine keeps churning out all kinds of weather. Whether good or bad, we live with it and go on with our lives.
voter.pngLet’s see–what shall we discuss? Politics? No, for goodness sake, we have enough of that, don’t we? Oh, well, if you insist, I’ll tell you a story about the grand daughter of one of my friends. She told her parents, “Don’t vote for Hillary.” “Why are you saying that?” they asked. “Because I want to be the first woman president!” she exclaimed.
Want to talk religion? OK, I have a story from 66 years ago. I was 18 years old and a preacher. I went into a local barber shop and the guy in the chair was the local policeman and was getting a haircut. He recognized me as a budding preacher and said, “Son, you won’t see me in church. I probably do some things you wouldn’t approve of.” He paused and then said, “It’s guys like me that keep you in business!”
Life goes on. We learn as we go. Life is best when we walk with the Lord. Hey, that makes me think of a grand old hymn: “When we walk with the Lord in the light of His word, what a glory he sheds on our way. We have peace and good will. He abides with us still, and with all who will trust and obey.”