Baylor University 1949-1953

Chas.suit.1.jpgFebruary 1, 2016 (Monday)
When I was a college student, there were seven institutions of higher learning sponsored by the Baptists of Texas. They were scattered around the state, and each had a history for which alumni and all the rest of us were thankful. I went to Baylor. I started to college in 1949, a year which today seems like long, long ago, but in my own mind still very present.
I lived in Kokernot Hall, the freshman dormitory for men, at first. Then I moved with friends to a house filled with students and owned by the University Librarian, who lived on the other side of the house. Later I lived with two friends in another house where the landlady also lived on the other side. For the final two years, I lived directly across the street from the original campus on Fifth Street in an old three-story house that has long since been replaced with impressive buildings. The picture below is the view today through what would have been the window of my room, and it looked pretty much the same back then.


I think about the boy who looked through that window at that beautiful campus, and all the changes in his life afterwards. Today, 64 years later, I probably have changed in the way that I think as well as the way that I look. But in many ways, I am the same person I was when I was gazing at the quadrangle with its beautiful trees and classic buildings.
I think about some of the things we did back then, like attending “Morning Watch,” before class, a time of prayer and meditation as someone softly played sacred music on the organ or piano. I think also of “Singspiration,” when everyone gathered in the giant parlor of the Student Union Building and sang together for an hour, as some gave testimonies of experiences in mission work we had conducted throughout Waco before the campus music time. I led the meeting one night. I think about the “Mission Band,” comprised mostly of students who were planning to go to a foreign mission field some day (and most did), and the ministerial group–I don’t remember what it was called–when people who felt called to preach would meet together and often hear inspirational guest speakers. And there was BRH (Baylor Religious Hour) every Wednesday night when we all worshiped together (I led the singing there once. The speaker that night was Dr. Ralph Phelps, president of Ouachita University, where our friend, Dale Pogue, graduated).
Billy Graham was one of our guest speakers at “chapel” at least once. Cliff Barrows led our singing and Bev Shea sang a solo. This was around 1950 or so, and they were really young. What a day to remember.
Baylor has grown. Its campus is much larger now and the student body is much more numerous. Four of my children are Baylor graduates, but I really do not know what goes on at the school these days. It’s been a while since they were there. I just remember the time when I was there and the blessings that were mine at that time, along with the friends made there who became friends for life. The other Baptist universities and educational institutions have also grown. Their influence continues to be felt. Much has changed in these many years, but nothing can take away the memories of the “way it was.”