Sharing Gladly

Chas.suit.1.jpgJanuary 13, 2016 (Wednesday)
January 15 is tax day for those who file estimated tax payments to the federal government. I am one of those people. The payment I mail today will be the fourth for tax year 2015. I mail four payments every year.
I retired twenty years ago from the First Baptist Church of Rockport, Texas. But I still have an income, thank the Lord. And I pay taxes like sales tax, property tax and income tax. I say that because some people have told me they didn’t know preachers pay taxes. They do. And some folks think retirees don’t pay taxes. They do, if required.


Jesus said, “Give Caesar what is his (loosely translated).” That translates into, “Pay your taxes.” Good citizens pay their taxes. We all benefit from our citizenship in this wonderful country. We may not agree with the way some of the money is spent, but our duty is to support the United States of America. I consider it a privilege.
The Bible says that God will supply our needs. He has always done that for me. I can express my gratitude by helping others in whatever ways are possible. Some of that is done through payment of taxes, some through tithing to the Lord’s work, some through gifts to needy people and organizations that assist them, some by becoming personally involved in the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves.
The happiest people I know are those who have broken out of their shell and have become involved in their world, becoming a blessing. They are thereby blessed.