Rescue the Perishing

Theme this week: Channels of Blessing

October 14, 2021 (Thursday)

In 1869, Fanny J. Crosby was inspired to write “Rescue the Perishing” after she met the men who were housed in a New York City mission. She referred to the men on the Bowery as “her boys.” She was concerned about their spiritual well-being and earnestly pleaded with the men that if there was someone “who had wandered from his mother’s home and teaching,” to please come and see her at the end of the service. A young man came up to Crosby and said that he would like to see his mother in heaven, but according to the way he was living his life, he was convinced it was not possible. After ardent prayer with Crosby and everyone attending the service, he accepted God’s justifying grace. That night, when Fanny Crosby went home, she wrote the words that became the hymn, “Rescue the Perishing.”(

Frances J. Crosby

Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave;
Weep o’er the erring one, lift up the fallen,
Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save.
Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.

Though they are slighting Him, still He is waiting,
Waiting the penitent child to receive;
Plead with them earnestly, plead with them gently;
He will forgive if they only believe.

Down in the human heart, crushed by the tempter,
Feelings lie buried that grace can restore;
Touched by a loving heart, wakened by kindness,
Chords that were broken will vibrate once more.

Rescue the perishing, duty demands it;
Strength for thy labor the Lord will provide;
Back to the narrow way patiently win them;
Tell the poor wand’rer a Savior has died.