Jesus Cares

Chas.suit.1.jpgNovember 11, 2015 (Wednesday)

Today is Veteran’s Day (formerly Armistice Day), and is a day for all of us to honor those who have served their country in the armed services. Thousands of our service men and women have died in that service. Thousands more have been disabled after having suffered wounds of various kinds. Let us pray for the veterans and their families, and let us find ways to show our appreciation to those whose valor has made possible our freedoms.

Today at Bethel Baptist Church, Ingleside, we will be offering intercessory prayers. After our prayer session we will be studying Mark 5:1-43, which tells us that Jesus cast demons from a man, healed a woman, and raised a young girl from death. Mark continues to show us that Jesus was a man of action.
The man possessed by demons was chained in a cemetery, and, when Jesus asked his name, the demons replied, “Legion, for we are many.” Jesus then cast the demons into a herd of swine, and they ran headlong over a cliff to their deaths. The man suddenly was sane, and Jesus requested him to go and tell his family what had happened.
When called to the bedside of a sick girl, he responded by going to her, and on the way felt power flowing from him, and stopped to ask, “Who touched me?” The woman came forth to say she had faith that He would heal her if she could just touch his clothes, and that’s what had happened. Jesus comforted her by saying, “Your faith has made you well.”
Upon arrival at the house of the little girl who had died, he commanded everyone to leave the room, speaking to the girl, “Arise.” She arose and walked. Everyone was amazed.


Jesus seemed unable to pass by suffering people without helping them. When we are experiencing such things in our own lives, we need to remind ourselves that Jesus cares. Peter’s words, “Cast all your care upon Him for he cares for you” should encourage us greatly in our times of trouble.