When I Met My Children

Chas.suit.1.jpgOctober 20, 2015 (Tuesday)
Yesterday, my son, Dan, had a birthday. We had dinner together. The occasion made me think of how I met each of my children.
The oldest, David, was born in Burnet, Texas, after Wanda went through three days of labor pain. At the last minute, I was asked if I would like to view the birth. I did. Immediately after he was born, I held him in my arms. I cannot possibly describe my feelings at that moment. The most powerful emotion was awe and wonder at this miracle.
When Dan was born, I had been summoned by a friend while I was at work. I rushed home, ushered Wanda into our old 1951 Chevy, and drove down Hemphill Street in Fort Worth to Harris Hospital. Wanda was immediately taken inside and I was shown to a seat in the waiting room, where I picked up a copy of Life Magazine and scanned the photographs. I was halfway through it when the nurse came to me and said, “You have a son.”


Debbie came into the world on a Saturday night in Marlin, Texas. The doctor thought it would be a while so he was getting ready to go home when suddenly the baby grew tired of waiting and made a sudden appearance. As soon as she was born, the nurse, a member of our church, brought her to me and placed her in my arms. “She’s beautiful,” she said, as she retrieved her and whisked her away through big double doors.
Dianna was born in Baylor Hospital, Dallas. I took Wanda to the hospital, went into the waiting room, and after a while the nurse came and said, “Mister Fake, come with me.” She led me through a door into a hallway where there was a small hospital crib and as she showed me my new daughter, she said, “Here she is!” She was indeed beautiful.
Dwight came into the world via Spohn Hospital in Corpus Christi. Wanda remained in the hospital about 3 days, as was the custom then, and we visited with each other, taking turns holding the new baby. “I believe his hair is going to be red,” I said, and Wanda agreed. We were right.
So that’s how I met my children. How can it be that the oldest is now 61 and the youngest, 49 in a few weeks? Now I have 9 grandchildren and one great grandchild. I have been blessed by the family members that have been added through marriage. I thank God for the family he has given me. God is good.