Don’t say that again

Chas.suit.1.jpgOctober 2, 2015 (Friday)
Am I being irritable when I complain about an overabundance of clichés in many of the shows I watch on TV?
If I hear “I get it” one more time, I’m tempted to boycott the sponsor, write an ugly letter, or, to take an extreme approach, change the channel or turn off the TV. Ugh! That’s serious.
That last statement brings up another word that’s used far to much every day on TV: “Seriously?”
Writers should make themselves lists of avoidable junk words that everyone else is putting into their stories.
Many words from the past have disappeared from daily conversations, such as “swell.” It’s about time to remove some of the junk words like “rad” and “really?” And while they are at it, the writers would do well to think twice before writing “Don’t die on me” so often.


There, I’ve said the things that show I’m human and sometimes irritable. I try to hide it, but sometimes I’m annoyed. One of my chief annoyances is revising the English language to be politically correct. I won’t give examples, but if you’ve noticed some of these revisions, you’re probably annoyed too. All over the world English teachers are “turning over in their graves” (and that’s one that probably ought to go, too).
Petty. That’s what this is. Just plain petty. There’s a lot more where this came from, but I will just keep it to myself.
We live in an era of tragedy after tragedy. If I let myself, I could just break down and cry sometimes. So complaining about the use of words is sort of like banging on the table when you are really angry about something else. Poor table. Why bang on it? “Because it’s there” (there’s another phrase we could do without).
If this blog annoys you, “I get it.” Now, you must say, “Seriously?”