Moon Over Rockport

Chas.suit.1.jpgSeptember 28, 2015 (Monday)
Four days from now we will be writing “October” as the date. September is fading away. Summer is over; fall has begun. Conventional wisdom on the coast says hurricanes in Texas after September have been so rare that one may as well say the hurricane season here is over. Life moves on.
redmoon.jpgLast night a beautiful full moon traveled into the earth’s shadow. It would be the last lunar eclipse for a while. It was a perfectly normal and natural event. The astronomers knew it was coming and told us in advance the exact time of the event viewed from any given point on the earth.
“The heavens declare the glory of God..” (Psalms 19:1 KJV). Billions of galaxies with their stars and planets run on schedule all the time. We devise our time pieces based on their dependability. The stability of the universe gives us assurance that God has given us a sky full of heavenly bodies that behave predictably with pinpoint precision. This should make us aware of God’s presence and power in his world.
A wonderful old song expresses our faith like this: “I trust in God wherever I may be, upon the land or on the stormy sea, for come what may, from day to day, my Heavenly Father watches over me. I trust in God–I know He cares for me, upon the land or on the stormy sea. Though billows roll, He keeps my soul. My Heavenly Father watches over me.”
