Old Friends

August 9, 2021 (Monday)

I once wrote a blog about Dale and Ann Pogue, and I called them, “Old Friends.” Dale served on the staff of First Baptist Church, Rockport, where I was pastor, for several years during the 1980s.They are my old friends. I am theirs. For 57 years. They care about people and have lots of friends all over the country. They make me feel special. But they are the ones who are special. They are true servants of the Lord, willing to be and to do whatver the Lord wants. They love the Lord.


Other “old friends” who served on a church staff where I was pastor were Troy and Ruth Conner, who served Timbergrove Baptist Church of Houston for many, many years before I arrived there, and then we served together for about six years. Ruth was pianist and an indispensable spiritual leader in the church. Troy was music director and a genuine minister of the Lord to the people.


I met Troy in 1939, when we were in the 3rd grade. Troy and his family
made me a part of their family as a young boy, taking me to church and
introducing me to Christ as my Savior. We have been friends now for
82 years. Hard to believe.

I’ll be 90 in September, Troy will be 90 this week and Dale will be 90 in less than a year. We have that in common, but more importantly we have our friendship. Since yesterday’s blog was about friends, it seems appropriate to write about Dale and Ann, and Troy and Ruth–four of God’s choice servants and my friends.

They are unique in that we served together in churches and in the fact that we are about the same age. If I were to write a blog listing all those I consider special friends, I would be attempting the impossible. I trust that all of you who read this today would also find such a list much too long for a blog. May God bless you and all your friends.

Coincidentally, Johnny Melton’s blog today is about friends, and in it he includes me as one of his special friends. He, Sandy and their family have blessed me and my family for many years, going the second mile in showing many kindnesses toward us. As have so very many of you. God is good.

Words by Gloria Gaither
Music by Bill Gaither and J.D. Miller

Old friends, after all of these years,
Just old friends, through laughter and tears,
Old friends, what a find, what a priceless treasure,

Old friends, like a rare piece of gold,
My old friends make it great to grow old,
Old friends, with all I will hold to old friends.

Now God must have known,
There’d be days on our own,
We would lose the will to go on,
That’s why he sent friends like you along.

Old friends, you’ve always been there,
My old friends, we’ve had more than our share,
Old friends, we’re all millionaires,
In old friends.

This blog is from Nov, 2019. People I love.