July 28, 2015 (Tuesday)
What are the priorities of your life? In Matthew 6:33, Jesus suggested a guideline for determining your spiritual priorities: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” In pursuit of this objective, please let me suggest some spiritual priorities for ourselves:
1. Make Prayer a Priority. We need a dependence upon prayer. Jesus said, “Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened” (Matthew 7:7).
2. Make Christian Fellowship a Priority. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we have discovered the fellowship of joy, the fellowship of suffering, and the fellowship of sharing. As the author of Hebrews urged us, “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together.”
3. Make godly living a priority. Give your heart to Christ and then go out and live the Christian life. Live it to the fullest, enjoy it all, and always do the right things. Don’t cripple yourself with constant self-examination, just live as a Christian should.
4. Make Caring for Others a priority. There are tired, cynical, anxious and lonely people all around us. Let’s reach out to someone in love. Let’s let others know we care. Let us do what we can to help.
5. Make Faith in God a priority. We live in the midst of a culture that minimizes faith and exalts human accomplishments. We live in an era in which agnosticism and atheism are growing in influence. Let us be firm in our faith.