Put On A Happy Face

Chas.suit.1.jpgMay 28, 2015 (Thursday)
In the late 1940’s, a heartfelt song became popular: “I’m laughing on the outside, crying on the inside.”
The clown of the opera, “Pagliacci,” bemoans the fact that he must play the clown when his heart is breaking.
The English are famous for their “stiff upper lip,” displaying courage in the face of fear. At the height of Hitler’s bombings, Churchill announced, “London can take it!”
Be brave. The old hymn says, “When the battle’s over, we shall wear a crown.”
Here are a few quotes from songs and stuff to cheer us up:

“I’m singing in the rain–what a wonderful feeling, I’m happy again.”
Dorothy, the scarecrow, the tin man, and the cowardly lion continue to skip toward the Emerald City, though possibly threatened by lions and tigers and bears–oh, my.
“Pick myself up, dust myself off and start all over again.”
“Pick out a pleasant outlook,
Stick out that noble chin;
Wipe off that “full of doubt” look,
Slap on a happy grin!
And spread sunshine all over the place,
Just put on a happy face!”

Words to Live By:

Psalm 23 – “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil”
Isaiah 40:31 – But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. NIV
Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Click on the Happy Face and Smile