Summer Lights

Chas.suit.1.jpgMay 26, 2015 (Tuesday)
Summer begins with the Summer Solstice (June 21) and ends with the Autumnal Equinox (September 21) (or something like that, I think). Unofficially, however, we Americans seem to believe that summer starts with Memorial Day and ends with Labor Day.
If you choose to abide by the informal and unofficial designation, summer is here. The weather will cooperate with that choice this week as the heat index is forecast to rise above 100 degrees.
Remember the song, “Summertime?” “Summertime, and the livin’ is easy, Fish are jumpin’ and the cotton is high..” Or you may like, the song that starts with, “In the good old summertime, in the good old summertime,” and ends with, “she’s your tootsey wootsey in the good old summer time.”
Thoughts of summer are thoughts of getting out of the house and enjoying the great outdoors. Some head for the cool mountains and northern climes, but many head for the pool or the beach. With gasoline prices a dollar per gallon cheaper than last summer, folks may be encouraged to “hit the road” and see new places. Others will putter around the house, fixing up the yard. Some will fish, and others will golf. Many will be outside soaking up sunshine, repeating the joys of childhood.

Summer Lights
(by Charles Fake)
I wish I were a kid again,
When on the lawn I’d lie,
With all the kids from the neighborhood
Looking up at the summer sky.
“There’s the Milky Way!” somebody cries,
Stars filling the heavens with light,
And all around us are the flashing fireflies
Shining brightly in the night.
Like the stars in the skies and the fireflies we see,
I am commanded to shine
That others may see the Jesus in me,
The presence of strong love divine.

Let your light so shine before men
that they may see your good works
and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.
Matthew 5:16
