
Chas.suit.1.jpgMay 8, 2015 (Friday)
Last evening I attended a memorial service for Todd Garcia, who was only 41 years of age. Today a family in Ingleside will have a service for their 7-year-old son. Death indeed is no respecter of persons. It can come at any time.
There is a verse in one of the Old Testament prophets which says, “Prepare to meet your God.” Another verse in the New Testament says, “It is appointed to man once to die and after this the judgment.”
In the Bible book of Acts, there is an account of a Roman jailer who thought all his prisoners had escaped during a strong earthquake. Paul and Silas were among his prisoners and when they saw that he was about to kill himself (to escape execution for loss of prisoners), they cried out to him, “Don’t harm yourself. We are all here.” The jailer then fell down before them and asked, “What must I do to be saved?” They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved” (Acts 16:31). Suddenly, the jailer was prepared to live a meaningful life and not afraid to meet God. That’s what the living Savior can do for a person. He can do the same for you.
You may have many years of life ahead of you. On the other hand, like those described above, your days may be shortened. Death can come at any time. Are you prepared to meet God? “If you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).