Stranger at the Door

Chas.suit.1.jpgMarch 9, 2015 (Monday)
I was sitting at my desk when I heard the doorbell ring. I need to work on the doorbell apparatus, because it rings at the front door when I’m sitting by the back door, and have difficulty hearing it. But then there was a knock, strong and loud. So I arose from my chair, and went to the door. When I opened it, however, there was no one there. Instead there was a package. I looked to the street just in time to see the UPS truck speeding away. This happens from time to time. It may be the UPS, the Fed-X or the US Postal Service.
Does anyone ever knock on your door? Before you answer, let me assure you, someone is knocking right now. But it isn’t the door of your house; it’s the door of your heart. It’s Jesus at your heart’s door. Today. How do I know that? He told all of us about it.
Here are His words: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me” (Revelation 3:20 NIV).
Actually, the words quoted were spoken to a church. The church had locked out Jesus. Can you imagine such a thing? I did not make that up. Read it yourself. When Jesus spoke those words, he was speaking to the church at Laodicea.
But Jesus knocks at other doors. He knocks on the door at Washington, D.C, and Austin, Texas. He knocks at the door of universities throughout the world. He knocks on the door of homes throughout the land. He knocks on the door of your own heart. He wants in. He wants to have fellowship with you. He wants to make your life better. He wants to make your world better. An old hymn reminds us of all this (click here to hear the music):

There’s a Stranger at the door,
Let Him in;
He has been there oft before,
Let Him in;
Let Him in, ere He is gone,
Let Him in, the Holy One,
Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son,
Let Him in.
Open now to Him your heart,
Let Him in;
If you wait He will depart,
Let Him in;
Let Him in, He is your Friend,
He your soul will sure defend,
He will keep you to the end,
Let Him in.
Hear you now His loving voice?
Let Him in;
Now, oh, now make Him your choice,
Let Him in;
He is standing at your door,
Joy to you He will restore,
And His name you will adore,
Let Him in.
Now admit the heav’nly Guest,
Let Him in;
He will make for you a feast,
Let Him in;
He will speak your sins forgiv’n.
And when earth ties all are riv’n,
Comfort, rest, you will be giv’n,
Let Him in.

Click here to here it sung by a choir.