February 24, 2015 (Tuesday)
The weather turned bad Sunday night and fulfilled predictions yesterday at the cemetery with 20 mpg wind, 41°, and light rain. Winter’s hanging on.
The wildflowers, however, think it’s spring because they can be seen here and there, sometimes in great numbers. Reminds me of Dolly Parton’s song: “When a flower grows wild, it can always survive, Wildflowers don’t care where they grow.”

It won’t be long before the beautiful scene above will be repeated all over the state of Texas.
Some of the most common wildflowers of Texas are: Bluebonnet, Indian Paintbrush, Indian Blanket, Drummond Phlox, Verbena, Pink evening primrose, Texas bluebell, Brown-eyed Susan, Mexican hat, Winecup, Spotted beebalm, Gayfeather, Blackfoot daisy, Blue-eyed grass, White prickly poppy, and many more. Lists are found on the web, featuring both scientific and common names.
Most of us, I think, are quite content with just seeing the beautiful flowers and enjoying their beauty, marveling at the spectacular scenes all over this wonderful state. We can thank Ladybird Johnson for their proliferation in roadside locations. We can thank the Lord for thinking them up in the first place. This really is, as Louis Armstrong sang, “a wonderful world.”