You Are Special

11983885143_91dcd1de1a_b.jpgDecember 22, 2014 (Monday)
I preached at Bethel Baptist Church in Ingleside Sunday morning, after which I was invited to lunch in a local restaurant with three members of the church. Well, we could not find a place to park at that restaurant. Every space was filled, and several cars were prowling the aisles in hopes that someone would leave and vacate a spot. We therefore drove on to another restaurant where there was plenty of parking space, our choice of tables inside, and where we had the full attention of the server and the total attention to our orders in the kitchen. It was nice. We got special treatment. And, oh yes, good food.
ribbon.jpgDon’t you just love special treatment? Makes you feel like you are “somebody.” Howard Payne University has always had a slogan, “Where everybody is somebody.” A good slogan to have, especially if it is true. And from what I can see, it is true for Howard Payne.
When people go to church, they like it when somebody speaks to them, offers to help them find what they are looking for, and seems to “go the second mile” in making them feel welcome. And it’s not just church; people feel that way when they enter any group situation with which they are unfamiliar.
Well, I’m here to tell you that you are special with the Lord. He knows your name, your history and your future. And he cares about you. Jesus is at home in His world; after all, he created it. But He wants you to enjoy it, too. He invites you to experience an abundant life, filled with joy and happiness. Joy to the world, the Lord has come! Let earth receive her king. Let every heart prepare Him room, and Heaven and Nature sing!