Angela Rose Fake

gradcap.jpgDecember 20, 2014 (Saturday)
Today my grand daughter Angela Rose Fake graduates from the University of Nebraska. She had an academic scholarship from the Buffet family that was conditioned upon excellent grades each semester, a condition she met with flying colors even though she was employed at two regular jobs simultaneously with her schedule of college classes.
Seems like a short while ago when she was born at Breckenridge Hospital in Austin. Her parents, Dan and Mary, were employed at a software company in Austin at the time. She would have been a twin but her twin sister died before birth. Angela was born prematurely at only 26 weeks on May 18, 1991, . She started her life in one of those very special hospital units for premature infants, for about two months, if I remember correctly. The family later moved to Dallas, then to Omaha where Dan and Mary eventually divorced. Dan later moved back to Texas.
Angela grew up in Omaha, where she attended public school and the university. Omaha is less than 200 miles from Worthington, MN, the birthplace of her great great grandfather Fake. She has two sisters and a brother, her mother’s children from a previous marriage. Along with their mother, and Angela’s Nebraska grandparents, they have all been very supportive of Angela as she has attained goal after goal in her life. Needless to say, even though her father, Dan, lives in South Texas, she is the “apple of his eye.”
I cannot find a recent picture of her for this blog, but here is a picture in which she and I are together at Dianna’s home in the Woodlands several years ago. *


Her degree is in Creative Writing, and she has a real talent for it. Right now, however, she will be seeking employment of any kind that provides for her needs.

Congratulations, dear Angela. We are all so very, very proud of you. Praying God’s richest blessings upon you as you follow His will in your career.

* I’ll publish her graduation photo when I get it.