Just sayin’ ..

chaspic3.jpgDecember 3, 2014 (Wednesday)
Remember the song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas?” Gifts are given each day for twelve days. It’s a varied lot: hens, swans, dancing ladies, rings, and other miscellaneous items. Well, somebody has calculated what the gifts on those twelve days would cost today: $27,763. “My true love” of the song must be doing well financially to be able to afford them all. But this is a very old song, so what would these gifts have cost in, say, 1776? About $1,000. Still sounds like more than the average guy could afford.
Stuff costs more today than yesterday. That’s the nature of our economy. It takes an economic disaster of some kind to reverse the process. We need to keep in mind the fact that the dollar we gave to church in 1988 is worth half that today, so it will take two dollars to equal it. A good thing to keep in mind when tipping the server at the restaurant.
Next time you’re being served in a restaurant, consider the fact that your server’s pay comes mainly from tips. Their hourly wage is usually less than $3 per hour. And, in order to give as much to church as you did in 1988, your check will be double that 1988 amount.
Just sayin’ ..

Poem, The Dollar and the Cent