
chaspic2.jpgNovember 7, 2014 (Friday)
Do you get “hangry?” Many people do. They get irritable–even angry–when they are hungry. Hence, “hangry.” Why? It’s all in their head. Literally. But it starts in their digestive system.
Our bodies are made of cells. Each cell requires nutrients. The blood supplies nutrients to the cells, but only if the body takes in food. Me want food. No food, me mad.
Hormones and glucose levels are always being measured by receptors in the body. These receptors are busy sending messages to the brain.
I thought the stomach growled because it was empty, but found out that’s only partially true. It growls because the brain has commanded it to get busy. How did the brain know it was time for the stomach to do its thing? The spy network throughout the biological systems snitched. They told the brain that the body was running low on fuel.
In addition to the internal happenings, the brain also surveys the outside world, particulary schedules and clocks. We get accustomed to eating at a certain time, and then our body gets in the habit of preparing for the meal. We get hungry. It’s time to eat. It’s partly psychological.
A host of other psychological and physical factors enter into the eating equation, sometimes malfunctioning and resulting in eating disorders that probably could use some professional counseling.
burger.jpgfood.jpgAs one writer says, human beings are “hard-wired” to survive by eating food. We have to do it. If we don’t, know. In the meantime, it’s something most of us enjoy very much. It may be our responsibility, but it’s also a pleasure.
Ever hear the slang expression, “hongries?” In a sentence: “I’ve got the hongries for some steak.” Reminds me of a popular country song: “I got the hongries for your love, and I’m waitin’ in your welfare line.”
Meanwhile, back to the subject at hand: after reading up on this stuff, I can understand why dieting is so difficult. The hunger process is not so simple; it is indeed complex. Makes me think of that Scripture, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:14 (NIV).