Good Stuff

group.chas1.jpgOctober 17, 2014 (Friday)
The stock market is in the midst of a decline. People can be heard saying, “I lost money.” But some who are saying that have not really lost anything. You see, they bought the stock at, let’s say, $10 per share. The stock went up, up, up to $30 per share. The buyer watched it grow and said, “I made a lot of money on that stock.” But, did he? He had not sold it, so he had not made anything. All he can say for sure is that he paid $10 per share for some stock. That same person watches his stock drop from $30 to $10, the amount he paid for it. He says, “I lost money.” No, he still has the same $10 worth of stock that he started with. If he decides to sell it, he neither makes money nor loses it. But he will tell everyone interested that he lost $20 on that stock. That’s the way our minds work.
sad.jpgIn the same way, we judge the events of our lives. We tell the stories our own way. We take a trip around the world, see the most glorious sights known to humankind, get sick on the way home, and go around telling everyone about our illness. Almost forgotten are the beautiful once-in-a-lifetime thrills of the trip. That’s the way we are.
Since yesterday has already come and gone, let’s use it as a little experiment. Think back over yesterday from the time you woke up until many hours later when you laid your head on the pillow and went to sleep. Think about the good things that happened yesterday. List them, no matter how small or insignificant they may be. Now, think about the bad stuff that came your way yesterday. Write those things down too. Look at the two lists. Which would you rather talk about?
smiley.jpgThink about this stuff the next time you are tempted to tell somebody your troubles. Your mind is full of stuff–both good and bad. Which would you rather talk about? Which do you think people would rather hear? If they were doing the talking, which would you rather hear?
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8). Read many more such verses here.